Happy Father’s day after to all you pops and happy Juneteenth and solstice all around! What a festive weekend!
Our twins saw fireflies for the first time last night by staying up a bit late for the shortest night and longest day. Mark found enough clack trumpet mushrooms (a type of chanterelles) or one nice meal and is checking daily for more, so we can offer them to you! It’s been a bit hot, but our shiitakes look like they should be ready just in time for market and delivery, and we will also have a limited supply of gray dove oyster mushrooms.
Our hillside of mullein is flowering along with the holler’s elder, yarrow, ginseng, jewelweed, honeysuckle, hypericum, self heal, feverfew, wild hydrangea, and some catnip, so we are enjoying a most fragrant harvest season. We are mostly drying flowers for later use but also starting some more oxymels, tinctures and oils.
Microgreens this week are:
- sunflower
- broccoli
- red cabbage (limited)
- cilantro
- spicy mix
- mellow mix
We are planning a camping trip next month, which means a pause in production, markets, and deliveries. we’ll keep you posted!
Please order by Wednesday for market pickup on Thursday or home delivery on Friday.