Update for free delivery 4/2
The thrill of spring continues!
Harvesting and processing the last dormant roots, and newly sappy twigs, buds, and shoots, inoculating more shrooms, planting early medicinals, the twice daily microgreen work and seasonal transitions, general spring repairs and cleaning, and longer days outdoors mean we are happily sore and muddy (the adults more sore and toddlers more muddy)!
Our current oysters are creeping along, but we saw our first shiitake outside, so we are looking forward to a flush soon.
We have another new oxymel focused on respiratory health and balancing histamine response with:
- Mullein leaf
- Thyme leaf
- Barberry whole plant
- Perilla leaf and seed
- Turkey tail fruiting bodies
- Sunflower microgreens
- Nettles tips
- Ginger root
- Goldenrod flower and leaf
- Slowly extracted In organic acv and local honey
We also have a new batch of grassy roots oxymel ready and will be blending more birch, hypericum, and goldenrod oils for more aches & pains, bumps & bruises salve, which has become one of our household’s most used
Microgreens this week are:
- Sunflower
- Radish
- Pea
- Broccoli
- Mustard
- Spicy mix
- Deli mix
We still have other oxymels, honey syrups, tinctures, and salves!
Please order via web or email by Thursday April 1st for free delivery Friday the 2nd.
Fish Holler