Update for free delivery on Friday, February 5th

Update for free delivery on Friday, February 5th

Snow days in the holler are always a beautiful treat! They also remind us how wonderful it is to have fresh microgreens in the middle of the winter!

We’ll be playing in the snow, drinking hot tea and making a new blended salve today. I am aiming for a nice, soothing and drawing salve for mild infections and rashes using lavender, plantain, and poke infused grapeseed oils, local beeswax, and bentonite clay. I have made a similar blend in the past and found it quite effective- I will measure and take notes this time!

We made another batch of “anti-ick” syrup at the end of last week as well as “purple shiitake,” so we are well stocked in both. Our syrups are also instant tea mixes; try a teaspoon in a cup of hot or cold water and adjust to your liking!

We have a new batch of “grassy roots,” brewing and just finished making another “local roots” fire cider and a more standard “fire cider” that turned out pretty fiery! The local roots is all local and each batch will be slightly different, depending on what’s available. This one has dock (Rumex crispus) seeds rather than beet root for iron content and different microgreens than the last batch -we still have some of the 1st batch, too!

We have other salves, syrups, the new “Berry Shroomy” elixer and tinctures as well as the following microgreens:

Order by following the links above, by browsing our shop or by contacting us via email (fishholler@gmail.com), Facebook messenger, or phone. You will also be able to find us at the Frostburg winter Market on Saturday the 6th!

Thanks and enjoy the snow!

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